Last updated June 2017
This plan should be read at the start of each week. This is a constantly updated plan, as I achieve these goals I’ll rewrite the plan and reset my goals. This will also be how I measure my progress throughout the year. The idea is my short-term goals lead me to achieving my medium term goals. My medium term goals lead me to achieving my long-term goals.
My Trading Rules
- Only trade a tested strategy. This is the only way I can reliably measure and then improve my trading.
- Enter the market when you see a signal. Don’t let opinion cloud your judgement – you can trade probabilities if you don’t take set ups.
- Always use a stop loss when taking a trade Never place a trade without putting in a stop loss. Not more than 20 pips off the high or low. It’s better to get stopped out and re-enter than give away pips.
- Always define exits before trading. Set limit orders for exits and monitor them.
- Never risk more than 1% on a trade. Until I’m comfortable risking more – 1% is my limit
- Never risk more than 2% on correlated trades. Limit your exposure to any one currency or market
- Never risk more than 3% at any one time. You need breathing room before the next rule kicks in.
- After a 10% drawdown, trade at minimum position size. Build your confidence back up before trading normal position sizes again. You’ll know when you’re ready.
- Temper elation, resist feeling deflated. You’re not a rock star trader after a few winners and you’re not the world’s worst trader after a few losers.
- Record everything. Journal each trade, do monthly reviews and log your trade history. Only through analysis can you identify how to improvement.
What is my approach right now?
- I trade the DST strategy.
- My focus is on trading the strategy as well as possible, win or lose. (If it stops working this is the only way I’ll know.)
- I trade the EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CAD & AUD and the crosses. I also include the FTSE, Gold and Oil.
- I trade the daily and 4H timeframes, however I will use the weekly and monthly timeframes for targets and the hourly timeframe for better entries.
- My position size is determined by my risk tolerance, currently 0.5% – 1%.
- Generally the better the entry, the tighter the stop, the better the RR
- Where appropriate I’ll scale in and out of trades
- Everything gets logged
- My trading week starts Sunday evening.
- Each Sunday I check the monthly and weekly charts for set ups, trends, support and resistance zones and mark up any points of interest.
- I then start my regular daily trading tasks at 7/8am, Mon – Fri.
- My first task is to manage any open trades (limit orders etc).
- My second task is to do my scan of each market
- Set ups get listed with a note on the timeframe. I’ll add an * if the set-up is close to ready
- Price alerts are set for levels where the set-up becomes tradable
- Alarms are then set for reminders to check price action ASAP
- I do a quick review of trades and set ups at 10pm
What are my short-term goals? (end of July 2017)
- Take at least 60% of the tighter DST signals.
- Have a flawless month of risk management (no over or under leveraging)
- Have a profitable month
What are my medium-term goals? (By the beginning of Feb 2018)
- Stick to the DST approach for a year
- Get my balance up to £10,000
- To think like a trader. This will happen when I can answer yes to the following:
- I instinctively think about risk reward first
- I never rush into a trade without first considering what the trade is worth
- I never move a stop outside of my risk tolerance.
- Putting on a trade is like sending an email (my heart rate doesn’t change)
- I don’t feel the yo-yo of emotions. I’m not elated with a string of winners, I’m not down when I have a string of losers.
- I’m comfortable trading a 30% win rate strategy.
- I let the market come to me. Missing a trade won’t bother me.
- I can successfully hedge positions.
- I can successfully add to my trades.
What are my long-term goals? (by Feb 2023)
- Grow my account to £100,000
What are my very long-term goals? (Within 10 years)
These need better defining, but ultimately:
- Be in a position to mentor others
- Work with other traders on projects
- Be good enough to be considered ready to manage someone else’s money
- Have a good enough track record to be considered employable as a trader
Discipline & Mindset
- Open every trade with a mindset that the market can go either way and give back all of your profits and accept this is normal
- Losing trades will happen, controlling them is what will lead to success. Remember it’s not uncommon to get 3 or more losers in a row before a trade sticks. Hold your nerve! The winners will pay for the losers in the long run. You are the casino now!
- Don’t be tempted to brag. You are not a superstar trader after a good day and you are not the world’s worst trader after a bad day
- Never underestimate the value of taking a break even when things are going well. The markets will be there when you come back refreshed.
- Remember that some trades will look to be doing well than kick you in the balls, that’s trading and you can’t predict it.
XAUUSD 4H Chart – 26 June 17. Sudden price moves against your position will happen.